8th Grade - Colors of the Night by Mrs. Brosnan
By Mrs. Brosnan
A wonderful example of continuing teaching “outside the class room”.
First I took my students to The Museum Of Modern Art in Manhattan to view Vincent Van Gogh’s “Colors of The Night” exhibit. The students were taken around the exhibit by a museum docent to learn about the the art work from the museum docents perspective. Upon returning back to school I uploaded pictures from the exhibit and created a VoiceThread posing questions to my students about what they had learned about the art work and gave them links on my schools e board where I posted this VoiceThread to help them answer the questions I had asked them.
My goal was to further enhance their Art History knowledge that by using VoiceThread enabled me to extend my teaching “outside of the class room”. My objectives were met when I reviewed their responses to the questions posed and saw they had a greater understanding of the Art of Vincent Van Gogh.
Easy Parts
The easiest part was uploading the pictures and enjoying all the different ways I was able to ask the students questions pertaining to the information I wished to address, ie. speaking, typing or enabling my mac to actually create a video-comment for them.
The hardest part was constantly checking the comment moderator and opening the curtains.
The students used Photo Booth to create fun and exciting symbols after receiving ones from VoiceThread initially.
Just enjoy and have fun! I learned that by extending this application to my students I could really continue my teaching “outside the class room” in a fun and unique manner that was exciting for the students. In this age of technology when kids leave the class room they go on their computers at home to Facebook, video chat, my space etc. so why not give them an educational purpose to use their computer that is actually fun!
I have also used VoiceThread to have the students “vote” on each others “Edible Art Masterpieces” they created for an assignment in my Studio In Art Class!